The bird carvings with various potentiality can be helpful for preserving wild birds. The decoy itself is developed for hunting birds, but I use the ability of its attracting them. In 1990, I was asked by Mr. Hiroshi Hasegawa if there would have been good way to make the Short-tailed Albatross to move to safer colony. I promised him to make the original decoy without charge, to save them. Since the decoys had been proved very useful, the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology being commissioned by the Japanese Government, started the “Decoy Project for Short-tailed Albatross” in 1992. They put 100 decoys in safer area on the Torishima Island. The new colony was made after the long preservation activities for 20 years. The first stage of the project to move the birds to the other safer islands resulted very successfully.
After that, another project to let the two Albatrosses on the different islands, in Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, make a pair being attracted by the voice from speakers and the
decoys. The effect of the voice and the decoys worked so well: the dream for the staffs came true. In January of 2011, a chick hatched: the Midway Atoll Islands became the
third breeding ground for the Short-tailed Albatross following to the Torishima Island and the Senkaku Islands.
In addition to the project, I have been contributing for the preservation activities with my decoys for the Hooded Crane, Little Tern, Black-faced Spoonbill, Japanese Crested Ibis, and