Hand Raising by the Hand Puppets

Raising chicks by the Hand Puppet is the new way to prevent from imprinting.

(From the top; Lappet-faced Vulture, White Stork, Siberian Crane, Whooping Crane)
(From the top; Lappet-faced Vulture, White Stork, Siberian Crane, Whooping Crane)

The staff wearing the costume works as a mother crane with the hand puppet.  She teaches the chicks all the things they need to live, with the voice of a mother from the speaker in the costume.  The chicks are trained to dig out worms by the hand puppet.  She also teaches how to catch shrimps and small fish in the water.

Chicks raised using this method have not imprinted on humans, so they can easily be released to join the wild flocks.  Their adaptability to nature is raised.